All Classes and Interfaces

Indicate if the FulfillmentPriceTier value is a monetary amount or a weight.
Indicate if and how a calculator handles multiple items.
Indicate if a fulfillment tier amount should be applied as a fixed amount or a rate.
This object is used to store the results of a calculator for a set of eligible items.
CustomizableFulfillmentCalculatorConfigRepository<D extends>
CustomizableFulfillmentDestinationRepository<D extends>
CustomizableFulfillmentOriginRepository<D extends>
CustomizableFulfillmentPricingConfigRepository<D extends>
Custom repository for executing complex queries for FulfillmentPricingConfig.
Interface to define a provider capable of returning FulfillmentCalculator instances.
Utility service to perform calculation operations.
Utility service to take in a List of Calculators and filter them against a provided context.
/** Default implementation of calculator service used to find, qualify, and process fulfillment pricing using FulfillmentCalculators.
Component to call each FulfillmentCalculator and aggregate and de-duplicate results.
DefaultFulfillmentPricingConfigService<P extends com.broadleafcommerce.fulfillment.common.domain.FulfillmentPricingConfig>
Mechanism to allow us to specify fulfillment properties defined for different tenants and/or applications.
Decorates a FulfillmentPricingItem to allow processing state to be stored on the item.
Configuration for engaging default Broadleaf support for Apache Ignite cache for fulfillment
Properties that influence cache settings for the fulfillment service
Fulfillment pricing configurations that apply to this whole context (tenant or application).
FulfillmentCalculatorConfigRepository<D extends>
Interface to define a provider capable of returning FulfillmentCalculator instances.
Service interface to find, qualify, and process fulfillment pricing using FulfillmentCalculators.
Default properties for Fulfillment Services
Geographic data for fulfillment destination, for use with fulfillment pricing.
Geographic data for a fulfillment destination.
FulfillmentDestinationRepository<D extends>
Indicate how a FulfillmentCalculatorConfig should determine the fulfillment's destination.
Interface to define an integration with a specific fulfillment pricing provider.
Service interface to retrieve a FulfillmentOptionResponse with 1 or more PricedFulfillmentOptions.
Inventory locations used during fulfillment pricing calculations.
FulfillmentOriginRepository<D extends>
Indicate if a FulfillmentCalculatorConfig applies to a specific inventory location or FulfillmentOrigin.
Holds the result of a single calculator's price execution.
The tiers to determine fulfillment price.
FulfillmentPricingConfigAccessor<P extends com.broadleafcommerce.fulfillment.common.domain.FulfillmentPricingConfig>
General interface for fetching FulfillmentPricingConfig for a given ContextInfo.
FulfillmentPricingConfigRepository<D extends>
FulfillmentPricingConfigService<P extends com.broadleafcommerce.fulfillment.common.domain.FulfillmentPricingConfig>
Service interface for fetching FulfillmentPricingConfig.
Entity validator to validate FulfillmentPricingConfig prior to persistence.
Manages the state of the groups and items to be priced.
Calculator that calculates flat rates based on the attributes of the FulfillmentPricingItem
Interface to define a provider capable of returning FulfillmentCalculator instances.
Enum to represent common units of length, especially for packaging and fulfillment (shipping).
Mechanism to set PricedFulfillmentOption with no price for groups that contain items with InventoryType#NONE.
Enum to represent common units of weight, especially for packaging and fulfillment (shipping).