All Classes and Interfaces

A commonly useful base starting point for implementations of DataFeedPublicationConfiguration.
A commonly useful base starting point for ConfigurationProperties classes to gather properties for building DataFeedPublicationConfiguration instances.
A commonly useful starting point for DataFeedPublisher implementations that produce and upload files to publish feed data.
A special payload to track details about a publish process as it moves through the different steps in AbstractFileFeedPublisher.process(DataFeedPublishRequestDetails).
Abstract component that handles the complexity of creating a File, collecting data, and writing DataFeedEntities to the file as an array of JSON objects for future processing.
Common starting point for a DataFeedFileTransformer for transforming a source JSON array to a destination CSV.
Common starting point for a DataFeedFileTransformer for transforming a source JSON array to a destination XML.
Common starting point for DataFeedFileSubmitter implementations that need to use SFTP.
Bundle of details required to set up an SFTP upload request.
A AttributeChoiceType defines what kind of information or allowed values a ProductOption represents.
The types of stock availability values supported in the Google Merchant Center
Types of availability supported by Meta/Facebook
This is a component to optionally configure a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
Component to allow us to interact with a CatalogService to fetch IDs and Products for collection.
Abstract concept of an entity that is extracted and collected to be part of a data feed (e.g.
Components to allow implementors to decorate additional data on CollectedEntities.
Entity that allows for flexible serialization, deserialization, and transformation of Product data.
Utility class for common data retrieval functions for CollectedProduct.
Component to assist in retrieving certain details out of the CollectedProduct.getJsonMap(), which represents the majority of the Product's object graph.
DataFeedFileTransformer for transforming a source JSON array of CollectedProduct into a CSV containing CommerceManagerFeedCSVProduct.
DataFeedFileTransformer for transforming a source JSON array of CollectedProduct into an XML containing MerchantCenterXMLProduct entries.
Autoconfiguration for Meta/Facebook feed API related components.
Configures Meta/FaceBook Feed API support.
Captures key details required to construct a CommerceManagerFeedAPIPublicationConfiguration.
Configuration for uploading items to Meta/Facebook via API.
A DataFeedPublisher that can transform and submit feed files over API for CommerceManagerFeedAPIPublicationConfiguration instances.
DataFeedFileSubmitter for API uploads of Meta datafeeds.
A POJO representation of an 'output element' that will be serialized into the final output file.
The types of condition values supported in the Merchant Center output
The condition of the item for sale through the Meta/Facebook channel
Advanced functionality for JpaDataFeedFileLobRepository.
CustomizedDataFeedProcessExecutionRepository<D extends>
Advanced repository methods for DataFeedProcessExecutionRepository.
CustomizedDataFeedPublicationRepository<D extends>
Advanced repository methods for DataFeedPublicationRepository.
CustomizedIncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateRecordRepository<D extends>
Advanced repository methods for IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateRecordRepository.
Represents a request to collect data into a local file for transformation into a data feed.
Component that gathers or collects data (e.g.
Configuration for DataFeedCollectors.
A component capable of converting POJO elements from source data into POJO elements of output data.
Default property overrides for Data Feed Services
General exception handler registry for handlers not exclusive to a single controller.
A listener that accepts triggered scheduled job events of type DataFeedExecutionRequestScheduledJobListener.DATA_FEED_EXECUTION_REQUEST_JOBTYPE.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for receiving triggered job execution from the scheduled job microservice for data feed execution requests.
A payload describing the results of a DataFeedFileSubmitter.submit(FilePublishContext) operation.
By default, AbstractFileFeedPublisher implementations will inject and delegate to components of this type.
By default, AbstractFileFeedPublisher implementations will inject and delegate to components of this type.
A payload describing the results of a DataFeedFileTransformer.transform(FilePublishContext) operation.
The main autoconfiguration responsible for initializing JPA related configuration and repositories.
Configuration around messaging components such as channel bindings, message listeners, and durable message sending.
Configure the durable notification components for StartDataFeedProcessExecutionRequestProducer.
Configure the durable notification components for StartDataFeedPublicationRequestProducer.
This is an admin-manageable "template" configuration for a job that will perform a single query for data and then publish that data to one or more data feeds.
This tracks the lifecycle and state of a specific execution of a DataFeedProcess.
Responsible for managing the lifecycle of a DataFeedProcessExecution operation.
DataFeedProcessExecutionRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of DataFeedProcessExecution
The representation of the DataFeedProcessExecution with the additional information required for the API.
Service component providing API for CRUD operations on DataFeedProcessExecution.
The service is used to hydrate the DataFeedProcessResponse with the additional information.
DataFeedProcessRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of DataFeedProcess
The representation of the DataFeedProcess that is used to as a response for the API requests and contains the additional information.
Service API for DataFeedProcess.
CRUD validations on DataFeedProcess.
This represents a 'sub-execution' within a DataFeedProcessExecution that is specifically interested in transforming data (which was already fetched in an earlier step of the execution) and publishing it for one specific DataFeedPublicationConfiguration.
To publish data to a particular data feed (regardless of the provider), there are unique secret values (ex: API keys) and configuration that are required but cannot be persisted in a datastore.
The information necessary for a particular DataFeedPublicationConfiguration can vary widely, and thus the process of building each configuration must also be highly flexible.
The simplified representation of DataFeedPublicationConfiguration that is used to as a response for the API requests.
This is a centralized service component that provides access to DataFeedPublicationConfiguration instances.
Responsible for managing the lifecycle of a DataFeedPublication operation.
DataFeedPublicationRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of DataFeedPublication
The representation of the DataFeedPublication that is used to as a response for the API requests and contains the additional information.
Service component providing API for CRUD operations on DataFeedPublication.
Implementations of this component should be registered as Spring beans, and are responsible for taking the already-prepared queried data and transforming + publishing that data to a DataFeedPublicationConfiguration.
A payload describing various input details relevant for DataFeedPublisher.process(DataFeedPublishRequestDetails).
A payload describing the results of a DataFeedPublisher.process(DataFeedPublishRequestDetails) attempt.
Service-level autoconfiguration class.
Configuration for validation-related components.
Enumerated constants that indicate the type of entity that we are collecting.
Default implementation of DataFeedProcessExecutionService
The default implementation for DataFeedProcessHydrationService.
Default implementation of DataFeedProcessService
Default implementation of DataFeedPublicationService
Commonly useful constants for defining what types of files can be created and submitted in feed operations.
Tag positions supported by Broadleaf
Default implementation of CatalogProvider.
Necessary in scenarios where there may be too many SKU codes to pass through request parameters.
Microservices such as catalog, pricing, and inventory will send this type of message to notify data feed services when an entity is updated in a way that should result in a product being 'republished' to interested data feeds.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for receiving IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateEvent messages.
Receives IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateEvent on the message consumer channel.
Responsible for high-level operations relating to IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateEvent and IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateRecord.
For each IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateEvent that is received, an IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateRecord record will be created for each DataFeedProcess of type DefaultDataFeedProcessTypes.PARTIAL_UPDATE who may be interested in processing it. This means each DataFeedProcess will effectively have its own 'queue' of update events that it can process whenever it is executed.
IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateRecordRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateRecord
Service component providing API for CRUD operations on IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateRecord.
The exception that is thrown when the ContextInfo from the request contains the application id and the provided application id in the request parameters is not equal to it.
Contributes Inventory data to the Products that are collected for a Data Feed.
Component to fetch Inventory to be collected for Product Data Feeds.
Similar to JpaConstants, but specifically for data feed services.
Repository for JpaDataFeedFileLob
An implementation of StorageService that leverages JpaDataFeedFileLob as the file storage mechanism.
JPA-persisted counterpart of DataFeedProcess.
JPA-persisted counterpart of DataFeedProcessExecution
JPA-persisted counterpart of DataFeedPublication.
Provides commonly useful query functionality.
JPA-persisted counterpart of IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateRecord.
Autoconfiguration for Google DataFeed SFTP related components.
Configures Google DataFeed SFTP support.
Captures key details required to construct a MerchantCenterSFTPPublicationConfiguration.
Configuration for uploading Data Feed to Google via SFTP.
A DataFeedPublisher that can transform and submit feed files over SFTP for MerchantCenterSFTPPublicationConfiguration instances.
DataFeedFileSubmitter for SFTP uploads of Google Merchant center feed files.
A POJO representation of 'Installment' that will be serialized into the final output file.
A POJO representation of 'loyalty program' that will be serialized into the final output file.
A POJO representation of an 'output element' that will be serialized into the final output file.
A POJO representation of 'product detail' that will be serialized into the final output file.
A POJO representation of 'shipping' that will be serialized into the final output file.
A POJO representation of 'subscription cost' that will be serialized into the final output file.
A POJO representation of 'tax' that will be serialized into the final output file.
Alternative to DefaultClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient that uses WebClient and allows for access token response that contain additional non-String parameters.
Contributes dynamic/advanced Pricing data to the Products that are collected for a Data Feed.
Provider component to fetch dynamic pricing for products.
Thread-safe mechanism for maintaining basic state across a multithreaded data collection process.
Handles gathering and storing a Product data feed to be transformed and published.
Properties relating to ProductDataFeedCollector.
This interface defines components that can build PriceableTarget instances from lists of products.
Defines a generic error that can be thrown in response to receiving an error from an API that one of the providers (e.g., CatalogProvider) received.
Base class for properties that drive the External Providers.
Convenient helper for common functionality with providers.
Component to fetch Ratings details for syndicated Products.
Contributes Pricing data to the Products that are collected for a Data Feed.
Ratings summary for Product data.
When a DataFeedProcessExecution is marked DefaultDataFeedExecutionStatuses.REQUESTED, this message should simultaneously be emitted for it.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for receiving StartDataFeedProcessExecutionRequest messages (which are published and consumed by the data feed service itself).
Receives StartDataFeedProcessExecutionRequest on the message consumer channel to start running a DataFeedProcessExecution.
MessageFactory for creating StartDataFeedProcessExecutionRequest messages.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for sending StartDataFeedProcessExecutionRequest messages (which are published and consumed by the data feed service itself).
When a DataFeedPublication is marked DefaultDataFeedPublicationStatuses.REQUESTED, this message should simultaneously be emitted for it.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for receiving StartDataFeedPublicationRequest messages (which are published and consumed by the data feed service itself).
Receives StartDataFeedPublicationRequest on the message consumer channel to start running a DataFeedPublication.
MessageFactory for creating StartDataFeedPublicationRequest messages.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for sending StartDataFeedPublicationRequest messages (which are published and consumed by the data feed service itself).
Whether or not the Meta/Facebook item is active, or archived.
A component abstraction that can be used to store and retrieve file contents.
Useful for reading through a file which is just a JSON array of objects (ex: typically what is in DataFeedProcessExecution.getQueriedDataFileLocation() when using AbstractJsonArrayDataFeedCollector).
This component implements OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager and internally instantiates and delegates to AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager.
Defines an entity that holds the value for a translation of a String field on another entity in a particular Locale.
Container to hold summary data for convenience of additional hydration steps, such as Inventory, Pricing, etc.
Utility to simplify RSQL string creation, HTTP header creation, etc.