All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractDataFeedInspection<R extends>
Useful starting point for a concrete implementation of DataFeedInspection.
Transforms a list of ChangeDetail into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
Default property overrides for the common library
Support new concrete methods contributed in repository fragments.
Helper component for managing repository fragments contributed via RepositoryContribution.
Support new query methods contributed in repository fragments.
Threadlocal context intended to store criteria and Link related information during RSQL conversion to a collection of Predicate.
Configure data tracking for centralized data feed handling.
DataFeedInspection<R extends>
Represents a component capable of determining if a candidate is valid for data feeds, and if so, providing the identifiers required for notifying the data feed service for processing.
Monitor MutationNotifyEvent occurrences for any entity types registered via DataFeedInspection bean instances.
Provides useful utility functions related to data feed flows
Auto configuration entry point for jpa data tracking library
Standard strategy for fetching an inheritance line from a starting catalog to a leaf catalog owned by a application.
Takes out any regex special characters from being passed to the query engine
Converts catalog filtration rules to JPA critera Predicate instances based on RSQL operations.
Allows visiting an RSQL node to transform into a JPA Predicate
DefaultJpaTrackableRepositoryDelegateHelper<D extends>
Standard strategy for fetching a complete catalog inheritance graph given multiple starting points.
Standard strategy for fetching an inheritance line from top starting catalogs down to leaf catalogs.
Repository designated for direct interaction with NotificationState instances without the use of an explicit JPA NotificationStateAware domain.
Configuration for ModelMapper caching.
Dynamically create a ConfigurationProperties class to hold durable notification configuration.
Convenience annotation for reducing the amount of boilerplate setup code required to establish a durable message send flow.
This annotation facilitates auto generation of boilerplate Trackable lifecycle components based on new persistence domain.
Establish multiple EnableJpaTrackableFlow annotations in a single container element.
Validation class that runs at system startup and determines if there are any JPA entity configuration problems detected with entity classes registered with Spring Data.
Transforms a list of FieldOverride into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
HSQL specific strategy for fetching an inheritance line from a starting catalog to a leaf catalog owned by a application.
HSQL specific strategy for fetching a complete catalog inheritance graph given multiple starting points.
HSQL strategy for fetching an inheritance line from top starting catalogs down to leaf catalogs.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Represents the tenant concept of a storefront structure.
Reference structure for a JpaApplication to its individually assigned JpaCatalog instances.
Hold basic audit information to indicate author and timing for entity mutation
Represents a catalog node in an overall catalog tree.
Reference structure for a JpaCatalog to one or more parent catalogs.
Domain specific (JpaApplication) repository declaration.
Domain specific (JpaCatalog) repository declaration.
Domain specific (JpaMarketplaceApplicationCatalog) repository declaration.
Contains convenience methods for building JPA query criteria from a ContextInfo.
Marker interface for an RSQL visitor that builds Predicate.
Converts the CatalogRef.getInclusionFilters() and CatalogRef.getExclusionFilters() into Criteria that Jpa can interpret and apply with the rest of the criteria.
Customized version of JpaRepositoryFactory to support an automatic repository fragment that includes RSQL find method support.
JpaMappableRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,I>,S,I extends Serializable>
Customized version of JpaRepositoryFactoryBean to support special filtering of repository query method results.
Specialized DomainMapperMember responsible for detecting if the ModelMapperDomainMapperMember instance will reset the identifier on the repository domain instance.
Reference structure for a Application to its individually assigned Catalog instances.
Jpa version of ModelMapperSerializationHelper
Filters results based on sandbox and multitenant (i.e.
Helper for dealing with explicitly constructed JpaNarrowingHelper.JpaCriterias instances in order to make sure the results of those queries are filtered using a NarrowExecutor.
Represents a query or queries to utilize for a fetch through the target NarrowExecutor.
An implementation of the NotificationStateRepositoryFragment that does not depend on Trackable information, but rather a notificationStates embedded collection managed with the entity
The implementation for the JpaNotificationState.
Environment properties related to JpaNotificationStateService.
Utility class focused on easing the requirements for retrieving a list of NotificationState instances from the API of a domain class.
Extension of Spring's JpaParameters to allow for a factory creation of JpaParameters.JpaParameter extension that includes support for additional special parameter types.
Describe any JPA related behavioral properties
Extension of Spring's JpaQueryMethod to allow for creation of a special version of JpaParameters that recognizes additional special types to ignore for binding.
Marker interface for the JPA version of RSQLArgumentParser.
Construct Predicate instances based on information from the RSQL parsing process.
Simple POJO used for mapping sorting field changes to Sortable repository domain.
Factory for dynamically creating a JPA based BaseTrackableRepository interface class for a given JPA entity class.
Establish JpaEntityScanBean definition based on the package containing EnableJpaTrackableFlow.entityClass().
Adds in functionality for TrackableRepository to make modifications to notification states
Introduce a bean definition describing a class implementing Projection using the EnableJpaTrackableFlow.entityClass() and EnableJpaTrackableFlow.projectionName() params.
JpaTrackableRepository<D extends>
Version of TrackableRepository backed by Jpa.
JpaTrackableRepositoryDelegateHelper<D extends>
Customized version of JpaRepositoryFactory to support a custom version of PartTreeJpaQuery.
JpaTrackableRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,I>,S,I extends Serializable>
Customized version of JpaRepositoryFactoryBean to support special filtering of repository query method results.
JpaTrackableRsqlFilterExecutor<D extends,I>
Configuration class for providing repository domain component prototype factories.
Convert transient fields in a Jpa entity to another state for persistence.
A variation of Predicate that targets the linked entity referenced via a Link annotated repository domain field.
JpaNotificationState in non-Tracking entities implementing ModelMapperMappable and NotificationStateAware is represented in a separate Java entity class.
Transforms a String multi-dimensional array to a JSON string for persistence.
Customized version of PartTreeJpaQuery to support special filtering of results from a repository query method.
In some cases, native SQL is required to perform specialized database operations.
Manager of all NativeSqlStrategy instances registered in Spring.
Introduce a bean definition describing a class implementing NotificationHandler using the DurableProducer params.
Responsible for initializing the state of a NotificationStateAware implementing entity.
Dynamically create an extension of NotificationStateInitializingDomainMapperMember class to handle initialization of NotificationState instances for the JPA domain informed by DurableProducer.entityType().
Additional functionality for flows that need to work with NotificationState as a separate concept from the entity itself.
Oracle specific strategy for fetching an inheritance line from a starting catalog to a leaf catalog owned by a application.
Standard strategy for fetching a complete catalog inheritance graph given multiple starting points.
Oracle strategy for fetching an inheritance line from top starting catalogs down to leaf catalogs.
Spring Boot 2.7.x specific implementation to apply hints to a query
Performs final preparation of a Jpa Query before execution.
Simplified version of for contributed repository query methods originating in ContributionQueryExecutorMethodInterceptor.
Spring Boot 3.x specific implementation to resolve a repository query
Introduce a bean definition describing a class implementing RetryClusterService using the DurableProducer params.
Holder for an underlying RSQLVisitor.
Condition to denote that data tracking related handling for data feed should be enabled.
Artificial representation of a NotificationStateAware entity for the purpose of cycling through RetryHandler while at the same time not requiring a real JPA entity for NotificationStateAware.
Jpa-specific initialization for tenant synchronization
Query lookup strategy to execute finders.
Base class for QueryLookupStrategy implementations that need access to an EntityManager.
QueryLookupStrategy to try to detect a declared query first ( Query, JPA named query).
QueryLookupStrategy to create a query from the method name.
QueryLookupStrategy that tries to detect a declared query declared via Query annotation followed by a JPA named query lookup.
Some of the field values in Tracking based embeddables are represented in the Java entity classes as object structures, but are saved in the database as JSON.