
public final class DataFeedUtils extends Object
Provides useful utility functions related to data feed flows
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static List<>
    filterProductionDetails(List<> originalDetails)
    Filter ChangeDetail instances to a candidate subset of possible details to consider for data feed incremental notification.
    static Instant
    getEventTime(List<> originalDetails)
    Get a timestamp from the most recent set of production update changes, if available.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • filterProductionDetails

      public static List<> filterProductionDetails(@Nullable List<> originalDetails)
      Filter ChangeDetail instances to a candidate subset of possible details to consider for data feed incremental notification. This generally includes limiting to only the most recent production update changes.
      originalDetails - The original set of unfiltered change details
      The filtered set of change details
    • getEventTime

      public static Instant getEventTime(@Nullable List<> originalDetails)
      Get a timestamp from the most recent set of production update changes, if available. Otherwise, simply return now.
      originalDetails - The original set of unfiltered change details
      A timestamp from the most recent set of production update changes, if available. Otherwise, return now.