Interface JpaFiltersCriteriaBuilder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface JpaFiltersCriteriaBuilder
    Converts the CatalogRef.getInclusionFilters() and CatalogRef.getExclusionFilters() into Criteria that Jpa can interpret and apply with the rest of the criteria. Can also create filters based on RSQL expression included in ContextInfo.getQueryHints().
    Phillip Verheyden (phillipuniverse), Jeff Fischer
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Optional<javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate> buildCatalogCriteria​( hierarchy, Class<?> typeToRead, Map<String,​Object> narrowingParams, javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder builder, javax.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery<?> criteriaQuery)
      Builds filter rule criteria based on a catalog hierarchy.
      javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate buildContextCriteria​(String filters, Class<?> typeToRead, Map<String,​Object> narrowingParams, javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder builder, javax.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery<?> criteriaQuery)
      Builds filter rule criteria based on a generic rsql expression included on the ContextInfo.
    • Method Detail

      • buildCatalogCriteria

        Optional<javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate> buildCatalogCriteria​(@Nullable
                                                                            Class<?> typeToRead,
                                                                            Map<String,​Object> narrowingParams,
                                                                            javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder builder,
                                                                            javax.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery<?> criteriaQuery)
        Builds filter rule criteria based on a catalog hierarchy. Allows for more fine grained control for applying criteria within different levels of the hierarchy or differentiations for each member. If there is a single rule then the result will be non-empty and contain all of the catalogs applied as discriminated. If there are no inclusion or exclusion rules then this will return an empty optional
        hierarchy - the hierarchy being queried for. Can be null if this is not available in which case this will return an empty criteria
        typeToRead - java domain currently being queried
        narrowingParams - The key/value map of actual value to apply to the resulting parameterized query.
        builder - The jpa criteria query builder
        criteriaQuery - The current query being built up
        a single Criteria representing the filter rules that should be applied at each level in the hierarchy. This should include both rule-based catalog criteria along with catalog relationships that do not have any criteria
      • buildContextCriteria

        javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate buildContextCriteria​(@NonNull
                                                                  String filters,
                                                                  Class<?> typeToRead,
                                                                  Map<String,​Object> narrowingParams,
                                                                  javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder builder,
                                                                  javax.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery<?> criteriaQuery)
        Builds filter rule criteria based on a generic rsql expression included on the ContextInfo. Refer to ContextInfoCustomizer for more information on how to include one or more filter items on ContextInfo.
        filters - One or more valid RSQL expressions against the target typeToRead, delimited by a semicolon character.
        typeToRead - java domain currently being queried
        narrowingParams - The key/value map of actual value to apply to the resulting parameterized query.
        builder - The jpa criteria query builder
        criteriaQuery - The current query being built up
        a single Criteria representing the filters that should be applied