Interface CustomizedCommonCatalogRepository

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface CustomizedCommonCatalogRepository
    Advanced functionality related to catalog maintenance and maintenance of catalog discriminated entities.
    Jeff Fischer
    • Method Detail

      • updateAllRelatedEntitiesOfType

        <D extends Trackable> void updateAllRelatedEntitiesOfType​(@NonNull
                                                                  String contextId,
                                                                  Map<String,​Object> updateValues,
                                                                  Class<D> type)
        Given a catalog contextId, update all entity instances of the domain type belonging to the catalog to have the updated values.
        Type Parameters:
        D - The catalog discriminated domain type
        contextId - The id for the Catalog
        updateValues - a map of fields to update with the new values they should have
        type - The catalog discriminated domain class type.
        See Also:
        CatalogChangeHelper.sync(Trackable, Class, boolean)
      • updateAllChildRelatedEntitiesOfType

        <D extends Trackable> void updateAllChildRelatedEntitiesOfType​(@NonNull
                                                                       String contextId,
                                                                       Map<String,​Object> updateValues,
                                                                       Class<D> type)
        Given a catalog contextId, update all entity instances of the domain type whose related catalog has its parent catalog set to the given contextId.
        Type Parameters:
        D - The catalog discriminated domain type
        contextId - The id for the Catalog
        updateValues - a map of fields to update with the new values they should have
        type - The catalog discriminated domain class type.
        See Also:
        CatalogChangeHelper.sync(Trackable, Class, boolean)
      • readTopDownCatalogInheritanceGraph

        InheritanceLines readTopDownCatalogInheritanceGraph​(@NonNull
                                                            List<String> catalogRefs)
        Given a list of catalog ids, find all child catalog ids down the inheritance graph. This should demonstrate the full tree of catalogs down to leaf nodes.
        catalogRefs - A list of catalog ids.
        All parent catalog ids up the inheritance graph
      • readCatalogInheritanceGraph

        InheritanceLines readCatalogInheritanceGraph​(@NonNull
                                                     List<<String,​String>> catalogRefs)
        Given a list of catalog ids, find all parent catalog ids up the inheritance graph. This should demonstrate the full tree of catalogs up to the originating root nodes.
        catalogRefs - A list of catalog ids and immediate assigned mutabilities (see MutabilityType).
        All parent catalog ids up the inheritance graph
      • readCatalogChildren

        List<String> readCatalogChildren​(@NonNull
                                         String startingCatalogId)
        Find one level deep of child catalogs whose Catalog.getParents() includes this catalog.
        startingCatalogId - The parent catalog whose immediate children will be returned
        The immediate children
      • readApplicationOwnedInheritedCatalog

        <D extends Trackable> D readApplicationOwnedInheritedCatalog​(@NonNull
                                                                     String startingCatalogId,
                                                                     String applicationId)
        Find any application owned catalog that inherits from the starting catalog based on the requested application.
        startingCatalogId - The ancestor catalog from which to check inheritance
        applicationId - The id of the application that should own the inherited catalog
        The application owned catalog. Null if not found.
      • readLevel

        Long readLevel​(@NonNull
                       String catalogContextId)
        Find the calculated sorting level for the given catalog
        catalogContextId - The contextId for the catalog
        The sorting level