Class CircularParentAccountException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CircularParentAccountException
    extends RuntimeException

    Exception thrown if an account's parent hierarchy is circular.

    For example, with Accounts A, B, & C, if A is B's parent and B is C's parent, then setting A's parent to C would be a circular reference.

    Cade Rea (cade-rea)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • CircularParentAccountException

        public CircularParentAccountException()
      • CircularParentAccountException

        public CircularParentAccountException​(String message)
      • CircularParentAccountException

        public CircularParentAccountException​(String message,
                                              Throwable cause)
      • CircularParentAccountException

        public CircularParentAccountException​(Throwable cause)
      • CircularParentAccountException

        public CircularParentAccountException​(String message,
                                              Throwable cause,
                                              boolean enableSuppression,
                                              boolean writableStackTrace)