Class DefaultSendAccountInvitationService

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultSendAccountInvitationService

        public DefaultSendAccountInvitationService​(<> applicationService,
                                                   Optional<AccountInviteProducer> accountInviteProducer,
                                                   Optional<AccountInviteAcceptanceProducer> accountInviteAcceptanceProducer,
                                                   com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.TypeFactory typeFactory)
    • Method Detail

      • sendAccountInvitation

        public void sendAccountInvitation​(AccountInvite accountInvite,
                                          Map<String,​Object> additionalArgs,
        Description copied from interface: SendAccountInvitationService
        Send the account invitation to the targeted user based on the information in the accountInvite.
        Specified by:
        sendAccountInvitation in interface SendAccountInvitationService
        accountInvite - The account invite to send
        additionalArgs - Any additional arguments to be used in the notification
        contextInfo - The current context
      • sendAccountInvitation

        public void sendAccountInvitation​(AccountInvite accountInvite,
        Description copied from interface: SendAccountInvitationService
        Send the account invitation to the targeted user based on the information in the accountInvite.
        Specified by:
        sendAccountInvitation in interface SendAccountInvitationService
        accountInvite - The account invite to send
        contextInfo - The current context
      • sendAccountAcceptance

        public void sendAccountAcceptance​(Customer customer,
                                          Account account,
                                          Map<String,​Object> additionalArgs,
        Description copied from interface: SendAccountInvitationService
        Send the account acceptance notification to the targeted user when auto-acceptance is enabled
        Specified by:
        sendAccountAcceptance in interface SendAccountInvitationService
        customer - The targeted customer
        account - The related account
        additionalArgs - Any additional arguments to be used in the notification
        contextInfo - The current context
      • sendAccountAcceptance

        public void sendAccountAcceptance​(Customer customer,
                                          Account account,
        Description copied from interface: SendAccountInvitationService
        Send the account acceptance notification to the targeted user when auto-acceptance is enabled
        Specified by:
        sendAccountAcceptance in interface SendAccountInvitationService
        customer - The targeted customer
        account - The targeted account
        contextInfo - The current context
      • getApplicationService

        protected<> getApplicationService()
      • getTypeFactory

        protected com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.TypeFactory getTypeFactory()