Class Phone

    • Constructor Detail

      • Phone

        public Phone()
    • Method Detail

      • getCountryCode

        public String getCountryCode()
        The country calling code that acts as a prefix to the main telephone number.
        The country calling code that acts as a prefix to the main telephone number.
      • getPhoneNumber

        public String getPhoneNumber()
        The telephone number, including the area code.
        The telephone number, including the area code.
      • getExtension

        public String getExtension()
        The internal extension for this phone.
        The internal extension for this phone.
      • setCountryCode

        public void setCountryCode​(String countryCode)
        The country calling code that acts as a prefix to the main telephone number.
        countryCode - The country calling code that acts as a prefix to the main telephone number.
      • setPhoneNumber

        public void setPhoneNumber​(String phoneNumber)
        The telephone number, including the area code.
        phoneNumber - The telephone number, including the area code.
      • setExtension

        public void setExtension​(String extension)
        The internal extension for this phone.
        extension - The internal extension for this phone.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object