Class TaxCalculationRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • TaxCalculationRequest

        public TaxCalculationRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrency

        public getCurrency()
        Currency of the Cart.
      • getCartId

        public String getCartId()
        ID of the shopping cart.
      • getCustomer

        public String getCustomer()
        Identifier for the customer that these taxes will apply to.
        The customer that these taxes will apply to.
      • getCustomerTaxExemptionCode

        public String getCustomerTaxExemptionCode()
        Tax exemption code, if known, for the customer.
      • getTaxCalculationGroups

        public List<TaxCalculationGroup> getTaxCalculationGroups()
        Groups of shipping details for the purpose of tax calculation. Items being shipped to / from certain regions, states, provinces, or subdivisions may have different tax rates and tax reporting requirements. This allows us to group these details.
      • getProviderId

        public String getProviderId()
        This is simply a hint that can be provided by the client that indicates that taxes were previously calculated by a particular TaxProvider. Note that this is optional and is a hint that is used for selecting the appropriate TaxProvider for additional interactions (commit or adjust), or for logging details when a fallback (or no-op) method is executed. This should not be set if you don't know which TaxProvider previously calculated taxes for the given cartId.
      • getAttributes

        public Map<String,​Object> getAttributes()
        Additional attributes for this tax request.
        Additional attributes for this tax request.
      • setCurrency

        public void setCurrency​( currency)
        Currency of the Cart.
      • setCartId

        public void setCartId​(String cartId)
        ID of the shopping cart.
      • setCustomer

        public void setCustomer​(String customer)
        Identifier for the customer that these taxes will apply to.
        customer - The customer that these taxes will apply to.
      • setCustomerTaxExemptionCode

        public void setCustomerTaxExemptionCode​(String customerTaxExemptionCode)
        Tax exemption code, if known, for the customer.
      • setTaxCalculationGroups

        public void setTaxCalculationGroups​(List<TaxCalculationGroup> taxCalculationGroups)
        Groups of shipping details for the purpose of tax calculation. Items being shipped to / from certain regions, states, provinces, or subdivisions may have different tax rates and tax reporting requirements. This allows us to group these details.
      • setProviderId

        public void setProviderId​(String providerId)
        This is simply a hint that can be provided by the client that indicates that taxes were previously calculated by a particular TaxProvider. Note that this is optional and is a hint that is used for selecting the appropriate TaxProvider for additional interactions (commit or adjust), or for logging details when a fallback (or no-op) method is executed. This should not be set if you don't know which TaxProvider previously calculated taxes for the given cartId.
      • setAttributes

        public void setAttributes​(Map<String,​Object> attributes)
        Additional attributes for this tax request.
        attributes - Additional attributes for this tax request.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object