Class FulfillmentOption

    • Constructor Detail

      • FulfillmentOption

        public FulfillmentOption()
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        The name of this option. This is expected to be unique across all options. It is used to determine which option is used for a fulfillment group and what options a specific FulfillmentPricingProvider can provide pricing for.
        The name of this option.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        The description of this option. Used to display information to a customer.
        The description of this option.
      • isUseFlatRates

        public boolean isUseFlatRates()
        Whether to use flat rates for this option.
        Whether to use flat rates for this option.
      • getTaxCode

        public String getTaxCode()
        The tax code for this option.
        The tax code for this option.
      • isTaxable

        public boolean isTaxable()
        Whether any shipping prices should be taxable for this option.
        Whether any shipping prices should be taxable for this option.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        The name of this option. This is expected to be unique across all options. It is used to determine which option is used for a fulfillment group and what options a specific FulfillmentPricingProvider can provide pricing for.
        name - The name of this option.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        The description of this option. Used to display information to a customer.
        description - The description of this option.
      • setUseFlatRates

        public void setUseFlatRates​(boolean useFlatRates)
        Whether to use flat rates for this option.
        useFlatRates - Whether to use flat rates for this option.
      • setTaxCode

        public void setTaxCode​(String taxCode)
        The tax code for this option.
        taxCode - The tax code for this option.
      • setTaxable

        public void setTaxable​(boolean taxable)
        Whether any shipping prices should be taxable for this option.
        taxable - Whether any shipping prices should be taxable for this option.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object