Interface AnonymizationService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AnonymizationService
Component that combines all AnonymizationHandler instances and calls them in an ordered fashion to achieve all required field changes. Reports back the aggregate result of change as a detailed report.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    anonymize(String boundedContextIdentifier, Object contextInfo, String routeFragment)
    Given an identifier, find the associated entity containing personal identifiable information and apply anonymized data for all relevant fields.
  • Method Details

    • anonymize

      AnonymizationReport anonymize(String boundedContextIdentifier, @Nullable Object contextInfo, @Nullable String routeFragment)
      Given an identifier, find the associated entity containing personal identifiable information and apply anonymized data for all relevant fields.
      boundedContextIdentifier - Identifier for an entity containing personal identifiable information. Usually customer id.
      contextInfo - ContextInfo from data tracking used to inform fetch request filtration. Optional.
      routeFragment - The data route identifying package fragment. See DataRoutePartitionAware.getDataRoutePartition().
      Aggregate result of change as a detailed report