Serialized Form

  • Package com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain

    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.Address

      class Address extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • additionalAttributes
          Map<String,Object> additionalAttributes
          Map holding any additional attributes passed in the request not matching any defined properties.
        • addressLine1
          String addressLine1
          Primary address information, typically street name and building number.
        • addressLine2
          String addressLine2
          Secondary address information, like apartment, suite, or unit number.
        • addressLine3
          String addressLine3
          Tertiary address information, typically for international addresses.
        • city
          String city
          The city, town or village of this address.
        • companyName
          String companyName
          The name of the company at this address.
        • country
          String country
          The country for this address.
        • county
          String county
          The county of this address.
        • emailAddress
          String emailAddress
          The email address of the individual at this physical address.
        • firstName
          String firstName
          The first name of the individual at this address.
        • fullName
          String fullName
          The combined names of the individual at this address. It is considered better UX to use a full name field in place of separate first and last name fields.
        • isActive
          boolean isActive
          Whether this address is an active address of the owner.
        • isDefault
          boolean isDefault
          Whether this address is the default address of the owner.
        • lastName
          String lastName
          The last name of the individual at this address.
        • phoneFax
          Phone phoneFax
          The fax number for this address.
        • phonePrimary
          Phone phonePrimary
          The primary phone number for this address.
        • phoneSecondary
          Phone phoneSecondary
          The secondary phone number for this address.
        • postalCode
          String postalCode
          Postal code or ZIP code for this address.
        • stateProvinceRegion
          String stateProvinceRegion
          The state, province or region of this address.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.Adjustment

      class Adjustment extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • alternateAdjustmentSource
          String alternateAdjustmentSource
          If this adjustment is not created by an offer this parameter will specify the source of adjustment.
          See Also:
        • amount
          The amount of this adjustment.
        • campaignTrackingId
          String campaignTrackingId
          The campaign tracking id (if any) for this adjustment.
        • codeUsed
          String codeUsed
          The code used (if any) that triggered the application of the offer for this adjustment.
        • itemAdjustmentQuantity
          int itemAdjustmentQuantity
          The quantity of the current line item that this offer was applied to.
        • offerCodeRef
          String offerCodeRef
          A reference to the OfferCode (if any).
        • offerRef
          OfferRef offerRef
          A reference to the offer that originated this adjustment.
        • offerUses
          int offerUses
          The number of times that the offer this adjustment was created from is applied.
        • qualifierDetails
          List<OfferItemDetail> qualifierDetails
          A list of OfferItemDetails representing the qualifier items where this adjustment was from.

          For example, ItemA and ItemB qualify for a free gift offer, which results Item_FG to be added as a free gift item. These details are used to identify ItemA and ItemB from free gift item Item_FG using its adjustment.

          Take another example, ItemA qualifies for a Buy 1 itemA Get 1 itemB free offer. These details are used to identity the qualifier item ItemA from target item ItemB.

        • quantityPerUsage
          int quantityPerUsage
          The quantity per offer usage of the target item that this adjustment is for.
        • serviceLevel
          String serviceLevel
          The serviceLevel that this adjustment applies to (typically used only with fulfillment group offers to indicate that the discount applies to the portion of the fulfillment price related to a specific service level. For example, for a group containing some items shipped by STANDARD and some as EXPRESS it is possible the discount only applies to the EXPRESS items. A blank value would indicate the discount applies to all service levels.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.AttributeChoiceValue

      class AttributeChoiceValue extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • label
          String label
          What the customer sees for display. For example, text in the case of sizes or a hex value in the case of colors. Can diverge from AttributeChoiceValue.value which is what was added to the cart
        • optionLabel
          String optionLabel
          The label shown to customers for the option.
        • value
          String value
          The value based on what the user selected.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.CampaignRef

      class CampaignRef extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • campaignCode
          String campaignCode
          The user provided text code that refers to the campaign.
        • campaignTrackingId
          String campaignTrackingId
          A text identifier used to track a specific campaign.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.CustomerRef

      class CustomerRef extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • accountHierarchy
          List<String> accountHierarchy
          The hierarchy of accounts, from the root account to the account member's account.

          For example, if we have this account setup, rootAcct -> subAcct (child of rootAcct) -> subSubAcct (child of subAcct), this field would be [rootAcct, subAcct, subSubAcct]. This is useful to query all the carts that belong to the same non-root account and its sub-accounts.

        • accountId
          String accountId
          The ID of the account the customer belongs to.
        • customerId
          String customerId
          The customer's id.
        • fullName
          String fullName
          The customer's full name, if available.
        • isRegistered
          boolean isRegistered
          Defines whether or not the customer is registered. If false, then the customer is considered anonymous.
        • rootAccountId
          String rootAccountId
          The ID of the root account the account member belongs to.
        • username
          String username
          The customer's username.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.FulfillmentOption

      class FulfillmentOption extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • description
          String description
          The description of this option.
        • name
          String name
          The name of this option.
        • taxable
          boolean taxable
          Whether any shipping prices should be taxable for this option.
        • taxCode
          String taxCode
          The tax code for this option.
        • useFlatRates
          boolean useFlatRates
          Whether to use flat rates for this option.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.ItemProrationDetail

      class ItemProrationDetail extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • quantity
          int quantity
          The total quantity.
        • unitAmount
          The unit proration amount.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.OfferItemDetail

      class OfferItemDetail extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • fulfillmentItemDetail
          boolean fulfillmentItemDetail
          Indicates if this detail is for a fulfillment item.
        • itemAdjustmentQuantity
          int itemAdjustmentQuantity
          The quantity of the qualifier or target item that this offer was applied to.
        • itemId
          String itemId
          The id of the item that is a qualifier or target.
        • offerId
          String offerId
          The offer id where this item is a qualifier or target of.
        • offerUses
          int offerUses
          The number of times the offer is applied.
        • quantityPerUsage
          int quantityPerUsage
          The quantity per offer usage of the item that is a qualifier or target.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.OfferRef

      class OfferRef extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Dynamic attributes that are a part of the offer.
        • cartLabel
          String cartLabel
          A label for this offer typically used by the storefront.
        • description
          String description
          A description of what benefits the offer provides to a customer.
        • id
          String id
          The ID of the offer.
        • name
          String name
          The name of the offer. Often used to indicate to a customer what offers are applied to their cart.
        • prorationType
          String prorationType
          Determines how an offer's discount amount is distributed across the offer's related order item types. This can either be set to prorate across target items or target and qualifier items.

          This property is used downstream in `OrderOperationServices` or other custom services to calculate the proper refund amounts when factoring in offer discounts.

          See Also:
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.OverrideDetail

      class OverrideDetail extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • author
          String author
          The admin user who performed the override.
        • comment
          String comment
          The optional, long-form comment explaining any extra context for the override.
        • originalAmount
          The amount contained in the field prior to being overridden.
        • overrideAmount
          The amount which the field has been overridden to.
        • reason
          String reason
          The reason the override was performed, for example, "Price Match".
        • type
          String type
          The type of override performed, e.g. a Cart Item Price override or a Fulfillment Group Price override.
          See Also:
        • userId
          String userId
          The user ID of the admin user who performed the override.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.Phone

      class Phone extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • countryCode
          String countryCode
          The country calling code that acts as a prefix to the main telephone number.
        • extension
          String extension
          The internal extension for this phone.
        • phoneNumber
          String phoneNumber
          The telephone number, including the area code.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.PricedFulfillmentOption

      class PricedFulfillmentOption extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • additionalAttributes
          Map<String,Object> additionalAttributes
          Map to hold arbitrary additional attributes.
        • bandFields
          Set<String> bandFields
          The list of item fields used to determine price band, e.g. item price or item weight.
        • calculatorIds
          Set<String> calculatorIds
          The list of calculatorIds which were used to compute the price for this option.
        • description
          String description
          Human-readable description (e.g. First Class, USPS First Class, or Pickup at Store #53).
        • estimatedMaxDaysToFulfill
          Integer estimatedMaxDaysToFulfill
          The maximum number of days expected for delivery. Null value is possible meaning no max days to fulfill has been configured.
        • estimatedMinDaysToFulfill
          Integer estimatedMinDaysToFulfill
          The minimum number of days estimated for delivery. Null value is possible and means that the estimated days to deliver is unknown.
        • fulfillmentReference
          String fulfillmentReference
          This is the "reference number" of the FulfillmentGroup or FulfillmentItem that this fulfillment price applies to.
        • fulfillmentType
          String fulfillmentType
          Broad categorization of how this fulfillment option is fulfilled. For instance, SHIP, PICKUP, or VIRTUAL. See com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.enums.FulfillmentType for system defaults.
        • price
          The fulfillment price of this fulfillment option. This may be ZERO.
        • serviceLevel
          String serviceLevel

          Specific description for how this fulfillment option is fulfilled. This will typically include values like "SAME_DAY", "FIRST_CLASS", "OVERNIGHT", "STANDARD", etc. for FulfillmentType#SHIP, and values such as "IN_STORE" or "CURBSIDE" for FulfillmentType#PICKUP. The exact configurations will depend on how clients (tenants or applications) define their available service levels and calculators.

          The service level is a key driver for which FulfillmentPricingCalculator is used to determine the fulfillment price. (see FulfillmentServices microservice).

        • taxable
          boolean taxable
          Indicate if this fulfillment price is taxable.
        • taxCode
          String taxCode
          A tax code for this fulfillment option.
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.ProratedOfferAdjustment

      class ProratedOfferAdjustment extends Object implements Serializable
    • Class com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.Voucher

      class Voucher extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Map holding any additional attributes that do not match any defined properties.
        • codeUsed
          String codeUsed
          The code used (if any) that triggered the application of the offer for this voucher.
        • errorMessage
          String errorMessage
          The error message from voucher code generation for this voucher.
        • generatedCampaignCode
          String generatedCampaignCode
          The generated campaign code for this voucher.
        • generationSuccessful
          boolean generationSuccessful
          Indicates whether the post-checkout voucher code generation was successful.
        • offerId
          String offerId
          Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
          see offerRef for the field holding additional information about the voucher offer.
          The OfferRef.getId() of the voucher offer.
        • offerRef
          OfferRef offerRef
          The OfferRef of the voucher offer.
        • validationSuccessful
          boolean validationSuccessful
          Indicates whether the post-checkout voucher validation was successful.
        • voucherCampaignId
          String voucherCampaignId
          The id of the voucher campaign, which will be used for voucher code generation later on.
  • Package com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.enums