Class CustomerRef

    • Constructor Detail

      • CustomerRef

        public CustomerRef()
    • Method Detail

      • getCustomerId

        public String getCustomerId()
        The customer's id.
        The customer's id.
      • getUsername

        public String getUsername()
        The customer's username.
        The customer's username.
      • getFullName

        public String getFullName()
        The customer's full name, if available.
        The customer's full name, if available.
      • isRegistered

        public boolean isRegistered()
        Defines whether or not the customer is registered. If false, then the customer is considered anonymous.
        Whether or not the customer is registered.
      • getAccountId

        public String getAccountId()
        The ID of the account the customer belongs to.
        The ID of the account of the customer.
      • getRootAccountId

        public String getRootAccountId()
        The ID of the root account the account member belongs to.
        The ID of the root account of the account member.
      • getAccountHierarchy

        public List<String> getAccountHierarchy()
        The hierarchy of accounts, from the root account to the account member's account.

        For example, if we have this account setup, rootAcct -> subAcct (child of rootAcct) -> subSubAcct (child of subAcct), this field would be [rootAcct, subAcct, subSubAcct]. This is useful to query all the carts that belong to the same non-root account and its sub-accounts.

        The hierarchy of accounts, from the root account to the account member's account.
      • setCustomerId

        public void setCustomerId​(String customerId)
        The customer's id.
        customerId - The customer's id.
      • setUsername

        public void setUsername​(String username)
        The customer's username.
        username - The customer's username.
      • setFullName

        public void setFullName​(String fullName)
        The customer's full name, if available.
        fullName - The customer's full name.
      • setRegistered

        public void setRegistered​(boolean isRegistered)
        Defines whether or not the customer is registered. If false, then the customer is considered anonymous.
        isRegistered - Whether or not the customer is registered.
      • setAccountId

        public void setAccountId​(String accountId)
        The ID of the account the customer belongs to.
        accountId - The ID of the account of the customer.
      • setRootAccountId

        public void setRootAccountId​(String rootAccountId)
        The ID of the root account the account member belongs to.
        rootAccountId - The ID of the root account of the account member.
      • setAccountHierarchy

        public void setAccountHierarchy​(List<String> accountHierarchy)
        The hierarchy of accounts, from the root account to the account member's account.

        For example, if we have this account setup, rootAcct -> subAcct (child of rootAcct) -> subSubAcct (child of subAcct), this field would be [rootAcct, subAcct, subSubAcct]. This is useful to query all the carts that belong to the same non-root account and its sub-accounts.

        accountHierarchy - The hierarchy of accounts, from the root account to the account member's account.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object