Class CampaignRef

    • Constructor Detail

      • CampaignRef

        public CampaignRef()
    • Method Detail

      • getCampaignTrackingId

        public String getCampaignTrackingId()
        A text identifier used to track a specific campaign.
        campaignTrackingId A text identifier used to track a specific campaign.
      • getCampaignCode

        public String getCampaignCode()
        The user provided text code that refers to the campaign.
        The user provided text code that refers to the campaign.
      • setCampaignTrackingId

        public void setCampaignTrackingId​(String campaignTrackingId)
        A text identifier used to track a specific campaign.
        campaignTrackingId - A text identifier used to track a specific campaign.
      • setCampaignCode

        public void setCampaignCode​(String campaignCode)
        The user provided text code that refers to the campaign.
        campaignCode - The user provided text code that refers to the campaign.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object