Class CommonExtensionI18nAutoConfiguration.CommonExtensionMessageSourceCreator

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class CommonExtensionI18nAutoConfiguration.CommonExtensionMessageSourceCreator
    extends Object
    In the event that a user wants to define their own custom bundle, we want to allow them to name it for their convenience. As a result, we will give our default bundle a different basename rather than calling it

    We also append our default bundle using a MessagesDefaultBasenameAddingPostProcessor, so that it is added even if the user assigns their own custom basenames.

    However, MessageSourceAutoConfiguration will only register a MessageSource if the classpath has a, or one of the sources listed in MessageSourceProperties.basename. Since we append our default basename after initialization, both of these conditions could not be met.

    As a result, we will manually create a MessageSource if it is not already present.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CommonExtensionMessageSourceCreator

        public CommonExtensionMessageSourceCreator()
    • Method Detail

      • messageSourceProperties

        public org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.context.MessageSourceProperties messageSourceProperties()
      • messageSource

        public org.springframework.context.MessageSource messageSource​(org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.context.MessageSourceProperties properties)
        If there is not a message source, I need to define one for the default messages. This comes _directly_ from MessageSourceAutoConfiguration#messageSource()