Class ExportProcessingConfigurationProperties

  • @ConfigurationProperties("broadleaf.export.processing")
    public class ExportProcessingConfigurationProperties
    extends Object
    Properties that can be used to configure how exports are processed.
    Samarth Dhruva (samarthd)
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExportProcessingConfigurationProperties

        public ExportProcessingConfigurationProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getBatchSize

        public int getBatchSize()
        The processing of the export is done in batches to constrain the load on the system. This number represents how many records are processed in a single batch.
      • setBatchSize

        public void setBatchSize​(int batchSize)
        The processing of the export is done in batches to constrain the load on the system. This number represents how many records are processed in a single batch.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object