Class BulkUpdate

    • Constructor Detail

      • BulkUpdate

        public BulkUpdate​(String id,
                          String name)
        Convenience Constructor to set id and name
        id -
        name -
      • BulkUpdate

        public BulkUpdate​(String name)
        Convenience Constructor to set name
        name -
      • BulkUpdate

        public BulkUpdate()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        The unique identifier of the bulk update operation.
        the unique identifier of the bulk update operation
      • getName

        public String getName()
        The name of the bulk update operation.
        the name of the bulk update operation
      • getStatus

        public BulkUpdateStatus getStatus()
        The overall status of the bulk update. This value should be updated as progress is made.
        the overall status of the bulk update
        See Also:
        BulkUpdateStatus, errors
      • getErrors

        public List<BulkUpdateError> getErrors()
        When the status is determined to be BulkUpdateStatus.ERROR, this field should be set to contain the reasoning for the failure.
        the errors that were encountered when processing the operation (if any)
        See Also:
      • getTotalRecordsToProcess

        public long getTotalRecordsToProcess()
        The total number of records that should be processed. This can be used in conjunction with numberOfRecordsProcessed to determine progress. This value should be determined before a request is made (ideally by running a count query that determines how many records will be targeted by the update).
        the total number of records that should be processed
      • getNumberOfRecordsProcessed

        public long getNumberOfRecordsProcessed()
        The number of records that have been successfully processed thus far. This value should be updated as progress is made.
        the number of records that have been successfully processed thus far
      • getCreated

        public Instant getCreated()
        The timestamp at which this operation was first created.
        the timestamp at which this operation was first created
      • getLastUpdated

        public Instant getLastUpdated()
        The timestamp at which this operation last experienced a change. This is very important, and should be constantly updated by the logic responsible for performing the actual entity updates. The value of this field will be compared against a timeout for operations that are marked as BulkUpdateStatus.REQUESTED or BulkUpdateStatus.PROCESSING in order to determine whether an operation is hanging or failed.
        the timestamp at which this operation last experienced a change
      • getType

        public String getType()
        The type of change that this update will be performing. This will be used by the logic that applies the updates to determine what needs to be done with serializedPayload.
        the type of change that this update will be performing
      • getSerializedPayload

        public String getSerializedPayload()
        The serialized representation of the requested changes to be made. This can vary greatly in structure - based on the value of type, the proper understanding and application of these changes is left to the logic that will actually apply the updates.
        the serialized representation of the requested changes to be made
      • getTarget

        public String getTarget()
        The target of the bulk update. This is some value that can be mapped to a particular domain by the logic performing an update, rather than requiring explicit persistence of the fully qualified classname. An example of a value would be "PRODUCT" or "CATEGORY"
        the target of the bulk update
        See Also:
      • getApplicationId

        public String getApplicationId()
        The context ID of the application that this bulk update operation was initiated from.
        the context ID of the application that this bulk update operation was initiated from
      • getTenantId

        public String getTenantId()
        The context ID of the tenant that this bulk update operation was initiated from.
        the context ID of the tenant that this bulk update operation was initiated from
      • getAuthor

        public String getAuthor()
        The email address of the author that initiated this bulk update operation. Derived from the current security principal when receiving a BulkUpdateRequest.
        the email address of the author that initiated this bulk update operation
      • getUpdatingApplicationId

        public String getUpdatingApplicationId()
        The ID of the application in which the update will be applied.
        the ID of the application in which the update will be applied
      • getUpdatingCustomerContextId

        public String getUpdatingCustomerContextId()
        The ID of the customer context in which the update will be applied.
        the ID of the customer context in which the update will be applied
      • getUpdatingCatalogId

        public String getUpdatingCatalogId()
        The ID of the catalog in which the update will be applied.
        the ID of the catalog in which the update will be applied
      • isProductionBulkUpdate

        public boolean isProductionBulkUpdate()
        Set to true if the bulk update changes should go directly to production. This is primarily intended for non-sandboxable entities.
        Whether the bulk update changes should go directly to production.
      • getUpdatingSandboxName

        public String getUpdatingSandboxName()
        The name of the new sandbox to create in which the update will be applied. Ignored if productionBulkUpdate is true.
        the name of the new sandbox to create and apply the update in
        See Also:
      • getUpdatingSandboxId

        public String getUpdatingSandboxId()
        The ID of the sandbox in which the update will be applied.
        the ID of the sandbox in which the update will be applied
        See Also:
      • setId

        public void setId​(String id)
        The unique identifier of the bulk update operation.
        id - the unique identifier of the bulk update operation
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        The name of the bulk update operation.
        name - the name of the bulk update operation
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(BulkUpdateStatus status)
        The overall status of the bulk update. This value should be updated as progress is made.
        status - the overall status of the bulk update
        See Also:
        BulkUpdateStatus, errors
      • setErrors

        public void setErrors​(List<BulkUpdateError> errors)
        When the status is determined to be BulkUpdateStatus.ERROR, this field should be set to contain the reasoning for the failure.
        errors - the errors that were encountered when processing the operation (if any)
        See Also:
      • setTotalRecordsToProcess

        public void setTotalRecordsToProcess​(long totalRecordsToProcess)
        The total number of records that should be processed. This can be used in conjunction with numberOfRecordsProcessed to determine progress. This value should be determined before a request is made (ideally by running a count query that determines how many records will be targeted by the update).
        totalRecordsToProcess - the total number of records that should be processed
      • setNumberOfRecordsProcessed

        public void setNumberOfRecordsProcessed​(long numberOfRecordsProcessed)
        The number of records that have been successfully processed thus far. This value should be updated as progress is made.
        numberOfRecordsProcessed - the number of records that have been successfully processed thus far
      • setCreated

        public void setCreated​(Instant created)
        The timestamp at which this operation was first created.
        created - the timestamp at which this operation was first created
      • setLastUpdated

        public void setLastUpdated​(Instant lastUpdated)
        The timestamp at which this operation last experienced a change. This is very important, and should be constantly updated by the logic responsible for performing the actual entity updates. The value of this field will be compared against a timeout for operations that are marked as BulkUpdateStatus.REQUESTED or BulkUpdateStatus.PROCESSING in order to determine whether an operation is hanging or failed.
        lastUpdated - the timestamp at which this operation last experienced a change
      • setType

        public void setType​(String type)
        The type of change that this update will be performing. This will be used by the logic that applies the updates to determine what needs to be done with serializedPayload.
        type - the type of change that this update will be performing
      • setSerializedPayload

        public void setSerializedPayload​(String serializedPayload)
        The serialized representation of the requested changes to be made. This can vary greatly in structure - based on the value of type, the proper understanding and application of these changes is left to the logic that will actually apply the updates.
        serializedPayload - the serialized representation of the requested changes to be made
      • setTarget

        public void setTarget​(String target)
        The target of the bulk update. This is some value that can be mapped to a particular domain by the logic performing an update, rather than requiring explicit persistence of the fully qualified classname. An example of a value would be "PRODUCT" or "CATEGORY"
        target - the target of the bulk update
        See Also:
      • setApplicationId

        public void setApplicationId​(String applicationId)
        The context ID of the application that this bulk update operation was initiated from.
        applicationId - the context ID of the application that this bulk update operation was initiated from
      • setTenantId

        public void setTenantId​(String tenantId)
        The context ID of the tenant that this bulk update operation was initiated from.
        tenantId - the context ID of the tenant that this bulk update operation was initiated from
      • setAuthor

        public void setAuthor​(String author)
        The email address of the author that initiated this bulk update operation. Derived from the current security principal when receiving a BulkUpdateRequest.
        author - the email address of the author that initiated this bulk update operation
      • setUpdatingApplicationId

        public void setUpdatingApplicationId​(String updatingApplicationId)
        The ID of the application in which the update will be applied.
        updatingApplicationId - the ID of the application in which the update will be applied
      • setUpdatingCustomerContextId

        public void setUpdatingCustomerContextId​(String updatingCustomerContextId)
        The ID of the customer context in which the update will be applied.
        customerContextId - the ID of the customer context in which the update will be applied
      • setUpdatingCatalogId

        public void setUpdatingCatalogId​(String updatingCatalogId)
        The ID of the catalog in which the update will be applied.
        updatingCatalogId - the ID of the catalog in which the update will be applied
      • setProductionBulkUpdate

        public void setProductionBulkUpdate​(boolean productionBulkUpdate)
        Set to true if the bulk update changes should go directly to production. This is primarily intended for non-sandboxable entities.
        productionBulkUpdate - Whether the bulk update changes should go directly to production.
      • setUpdatingSandboxName

        public void setUpdatingSandboxName​(String updatingSandboxName)
        The name of the new sandbox to create in which the update will be applied. Ignored if productionBulkUpdate is true.
        updatingSandboxName - the name of the new sandbox to create and apply the update in
        See Also:
      • setUpdatingSandboxId

        public void setUpdatingSandboxId​(String updatingSandboxId)
        The ID of the sandbox in which the update will be applied.
        updatingSandboxId - the ID of the sandbox in which the update will be applied
        See Also:
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object