Class BrowseDetailsRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BrowseDetailsRequest extends Object implements Serializable
A structure representing a request for a commerce-facing browse page including identifying information for some browse entity such as a Product or Category for which to get details and interesting context information. In such a case, the caller does not know whether the information it has belongs to a Product or Category and the backend should dynamically determine that and return the corresponding entity.
Nathan Moore (nathandmoore)
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BrowseDetailsRequest

      public BrowseDetailsRequest(Set<String> uris, productPageInfo, org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<String,String> attributes)
    • BrowseDetailsRequest

      public BrowseDetailsRequest()
  • Method Details

    • getUris

      public Set<String> getUris()
      One or more URIs identifying one or more Products or Categories to be fetched. The list of URIs should only apply to one entity type, i.e., they should all be product URIs or else they should all be category URIs, not a mix of both.

      Note: In the case of a category matching, only one category may be returned.
      The URIs identifying the entities to retrieve
    • getProductPageInfo

      public getProductPageInfo()
      Pagination info to apply to the products included in the response if this is a request matching a Category.
      Pagination info to apply to the products included in the response if this is a request matching a Category.
    • getAttributes

      public org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<String,String> getAttributes()
      Map holding any additional attributes passed in the request not matching any defined properties.
    • setUris

      public void setUris(Set<String> uris)
      One or more URIs identifying one or more Products or Categories to be fetched. The list of URIs should only apply to one entity type, i.e., they should all be product URIs or else they should all be category URIs, not a mix of both.

      Note: In the case of a category matching, only one category may be returned.
      uris - The URIs identifying the entities to retrieve
    • setProductPageInfo

      public void setProductPageInfo( productPageInfo)
      Pagination info to apply to the products included in the response if this is a request matching a Category.
      productPageInfo - Pagination info to apply to the products included in the response if this is a request matching a Category.
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<String,String> attributes)
      Map holding any additional attributes passed in the request not matching any defined properties.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object