Class CreditAccountRef

    • Constructor Detail

      • CreditAccountRef

        public CreditAccountRef()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        The credit account's id.
        The credit account's id.
      • getType

        public String getType()
        The type of this credit account. By default, it can be "STORE_CREDIT", "ACCOUNT_CREDIT" or "GIFT_CARD".
        The type of this credit account.
      • getAccountNumber

        public String getAccountNumber()
        Generated code that can be used to reference the credit account.
        The account number.
      • getOwningUserType

        public String getOwningUserType()
        Describes the owning user type of the credit account. For example, the credit account could belong to a customer, anonymous user or an account, therefore this value might be "BLC_CUSTOMER", "BLC_ACCOUNT" or "ANONYMOUS".
        The type describing the owning user of the credit account
      • getOwningUserRef

        public String getOwningUserRef()
        The reference to the user that owns this credit account. For example, this may be a customer id, an account id, or the anonymous user's email address.
        The reference to the user that owns this credit account.
      • setId

        public void setId​(String id)
        The credit account's id.
        id - The credit account's id.
      • setType

        public void setType​(String type)
        The type of this credit account. By default, it can be "STORE_CREDIT", "ACCOUNT_CREDIT" or "GIFT_CARD".
        type - The type of this credit account.
      • setAccountNumber

        public void setAccountNumber​(String accountNumber)
        Generated code that can be used to reference the credit account.
        accountNumber - The account number.
      • setOwningUserType

        public void setOwningUserType​(String owningUserType)
        Describes the owning user type of the credit account. For example, the credit account could belong to a customer, anonymous user or an account, therefore this value might be "BLC_CUSTOMER", "BLC_ACCOUNT" or "ANONYMOUS".
        owningUserType - The type describing the owning user of the credit account
      • setOwningUserRef

        public void setOwningUserRef​(String owningUserRef)
        The reference to the user that owns this credit account. For example, this may be a customer id, an account id, or the anonymous user's email address.
        owningUserRef - The reference to the user that owns this credit account.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object