Class BraintreeGenerateTokenResponse

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BraintreeGenerateTokenResponse extends Object implements Serializable
This response contains all authorization and configuration information your client needs to initialize the client SDK to communicate with Braintree More details: Generate token Response description
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BraintreeGenerateTokenResponse

      public BraintreeGenerateTokenResponse()
  • Method Details

    • setExtensions

      public void setExtensions(BraintreeGenerateTokenResponse.Extensions extensions)
      The API response MUST contain an extensions object. This object contains at least a requestId entry that is unique to the request and useful to Braintree Support should you need help debugging a request.
    • setData

      public void setData(BraintreeGenerateTokenResponse.Data data)
      A successful query MUST return a JSON object with a data key whose value is a JSON object with the data you requested. Each key in the data object will exactly match those specified in the query.
    • getExtensions

      The API response MUST contain an extensions object. This object contains at least a requestId entry that is unique to the request and useful to Braintree Support should you need help debugging a request.
    • getData

      A successful query MUST return a JSON object with a data key whose value is a JSON object with the data you requested. Each key in the data object will exactly match those specified in the query.