Class BraintreeAuthorizeTransactionRequest.Input

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class BraintreeAuthorizeTransactionRequest.Input extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Input

      public Input()
  • Method Details

    • setPaymentMethodId

      public void setPaymentMethodId(String paymentMethodId)
      ID of a payment method to be charged. More details: Charge Payment Method
    • setTransaction

      public void setTransaction(BraintreeAuthorizeTransactionRequest.AuthorizeTransaction transaction)
      Input fields for the charge, with details that will define the resulting transaction. More details: Charge Payment Method
    • setClientMutationId

      public void setClientMutationId(String clientMutationId)
      An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum. Used for storing transactionReferenceId
    • getPaymentMethodId

      public String getPaymentMethodId()
      ID of a payment method to be charged. More details: Charge Payment Method
    • getTransaction

      Input fields for the charge, with details that will define the resulting transaction. More details: Charge Payment Method
    • getClientMutationId

      public String getClientMutationId()
      An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum. Used for storing transactionReferenceId