Interface PasswordRequestValidator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PasswordRequestValidator

This validator uses regex to validate new passwords for registration and password resets. The validation has been broken down into segments that are commonly used:

  • Check if the password is too short (default is 8)
  • Check if the password is too long (default is 255)
  • Check if the password has 'n' uppercase letter(s) (default is 1 unicode uppercase)
  • Check if the password has 'n' lowercase letter(s) (default is 1 unicode lowercase)
  • Check if the password has 'n' special character(s) (default is 1)
  • Check if the password has 'n' digits(s) (default is 1)
  • Check if the password has whitespaces
  • Check if the password has sequentially repeated characters, i.e. 11, aa, -- (default is none at all)
  • Check if the password and the password confirmation fields match
All of which can be configured via properties along with error messages.
Nathan Moore (nathanmoore), Phillip Verheyden (phillipuniverse)
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • validate

      @NonNull PasswordValidation validate(@Nullable String password)
      Validates the password
      password -
      the validation result after running through all of the validations
    • isPasswordReusedInvalidly

      boolean isPasswordReusedInvalidly(User user, String password)
      Determines whether the password has been reused by the User invalidly.
      user - The user whose password is changing.
      password - The new password. Plaintext.
      Whether the password was reused invalidly.
      See Also:
    • doesPasswordConfirmationMatch

      boolean doesPasswordConfirmationMatch(@Nullable String password, @Nullable String pwdConfirm)
      Ensures that both the passwords match, excluding 'null' matches. In the case that both are null, this will return false;
      password - what the user typed in as the password
      pwdConfirm - confirmation dialogue that the user gave
      true if the passwords match, false otherwise