Class RegisteredClaimsTokenEnhancer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RegisteredClaimsTokenEnhancer extends Object implements
Token enhancer that adds several registered JWT claims, such as issuer and audience, as well as a non-standard "max" claim that determines the maximum lifetime of a token.

The max claim differs from "exp" in that it determines the maximum lifetime of a session. The default is 720 minutes (12 hours), but this may be configured via the property broadleaf.auth.session.maxDurationMinutes

Samarth Dhruva (samarthd)
  • Constructor Details

    • RegisteredClaimsTokenEnhancer

      public RegisteredClaimsTokenEnhancer(String issuer, List<String> audiences, int maxSessionDurationMinutes)
    • RegisteredClaimsTokenEnhancer

      public RegisteredClaimsTokenEnhancer(String issuer, List<String> audiences)
  • Method Details

    • enhance

      public enhance( accessToken, authentication)
      Places various claims into the additional information of the access token, including the issuer, audience, and max lifetime.

      Do note that "oauth2-resource" is placed into the audience claim, as OAuth2AuthenticationManager.authenticate(Authentication) explicitly checks for its presence as a resourceId when processing requests.

      Specified by:
      enhance in interface
    • getIssuer

      protected String getIssuer()
    • getAudiences

      protected List<String> getAudiences()
    • getMaxSessionDurationMinutes

      protected Duration getMaxSessionDurationMinutes()