Interface SecurityService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SecurityService
Service used during the authorization flow to assess the privileges of the current user in order to filter the requested scopes or retrieve the permissions for an access token.
Nick Crum (ncrum)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    checkScopes(Set<String> requestedScopes)
    Returns the sub-set of requested scopes that the user is permitted to access.
    Returns the set of permissions the user has for the given scopes.
  • Method Details

    • checkScopes

      Set<String> checkScopes(Set<String> requestedScopes)
      Returns the sub-set of requested scopes that the user is permitted to access. This method is used within the SecurityServiceOAuth2RequestFactory to check that the requested scopes are accessible for the current user. If none of the requested scopes are accessible, this will return an empty set.
      requestedScopes - the set of requested scopes
      a sub-set of the requested scopes
    • extractPermissions

      Set<String> extractPermissions(Set<String> scopes)
      Returns the set of permissions the user has for the given scopes. This method is used within the SecurityServiceAccessTokenConverter to extract the set of permissions the user has for the requested scopes.
      scopes - the scopes
      a set of permissions