Class PermissionDataInitializer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PermissionDataInitializer extends Object implements DataInitializer
The seed data permissions will be defined here.

These permissions are necessary for seed data we define within this service (for roles or users). However, the admin user service also defines some of this same data for itself and will synchronize it over to this service. To avoid creation of duplicate records, the IDs used here should be kept in sync with whatever the admin user service seed data defines.

Nick Crum (ncrum)
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • initialize

      @Transactional public void initialize()
      Description copied from interface: DataInitializer
      Initialize seed data for the application.
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface DataInitializer
    • createPermissionsIfMissing

      protected void createPermissionsIfMissing()
    • createAccountPermissionsIfMissing

      protected void createAccountPermissionsIfMissing()
      Create account specific permissions. These must pass true to createPermissionIfMissing(String, String, boolean) for the accountPermission flag.
    • createPermissionIfMissing

      protected void createPermissionIfMissing(String id, String name)
    • createPermissionIfMissing

      protected void createPermissionIfMissing(String id, String name, boolean accountPermission)