Class ExternalTenantUrlResolverProperties

  • @ConfigurationProperties("")
    public class ExternalTenantUrlResolverProperties
    extends Object
    Properties used by ExternalTenantUrlResolver to determine the paths at which to make requests for admin and application URL resolution.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExternalTenantUrlResolverProperties

        public ExternalTenantUrlResolverProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getUrl

        public String getUrl()
        The full base url for an external tenant service.
      • setUrl

        public void setUrl​(String url)
        The full base url for an external tenant service.
      • getAdminUrlResolverUri

        public String getAdminUrlResolverUri()
        The relative URI path for the operation that can resolve admin urls given a tenant ID in a request parameter.
      • setAdminUrlResolverUri

        public void setAdminUrlResolverUri​(String adminUrlResolverUri)
        The relative URI path for the operation that can resolve admin urls given a tenant ID in a request parameter.
      • getApplicationUrlResolverUri

        public String getApplicationUrlResolverUri()
        The relative URI path for the operation that can resolve application urls given an application ID in a request parameter.
      • setApplicationUrlResolverUri

        public void setApplicationUrlResolverUri​(String applicationUrlResolverUri)
        The relative URI path for the operation that can resolve application urls given an application ID in a request parameter.