Class SessionRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SessionRequest extends Object implements Serializable
Dima Myroniuk (dmyroniuk)
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SessionRequest

      public SessionRequest()
  • Method Details

    • addAdditionalAttribute

      public void addAdditionalAttribute(String name, Object value)
    • getAdditionalAttributes

      public Map<String,Object> getAdditionalAttributes()
    • getAmount

      public getAmount()
      The amount of the payment.
    • getAdditionalAmount

      @Nullable public getAdditionalAmount()
      If you want a BIN or card verification request to use a non-zero value, assign this value to additionalAmount (while the amount must be still set to 0 to trigger BIN or card verification). Required to be in the same currency as the amount.
    • getReference

      public String getReference()
      The reference to uniquely identify a payment. For example, the payment owner ID (Cart ID etc).
    • getReturnUrl

      public String getReturnUrl()
      The URL to return to when a redirect payment is completed.
    • getRecurringProcessingModel

      public String getRecurringProcessingModel()
      Specifies recurring procession model for session creation, expected to be CardOnFile, should come in pair with storePaymentMethodMode other possible values: Subscription, UnscheduledCardOnFile
      See Also:
    • getStorePaymentMethodMode

      public String getStorePaymentMethodMode()
      Intended to be used for saved method payment logic, should come in pair with recurringProcessingModel Possible values: disabled Your shopper's card details are not stored. askForConsent Drop-in enables your shopper to select whether they want their payment details to be stored. enabled Your shopper's card details are stored.
    • getMetadata

      public Map<String,String> getMetadata()
      The mandate details to initiate recurring transaction.
    • getExpiresAt

      public String getExpiresAt()
      The date the session expires in ISO8601 format. When not specified, the expiry date is set to 1 hour after session creation. You cannot set the session expiry to more than 24 hours after session creation.
    • getCustomerId

      @Nullable public String getCustomerId()
      The customer ID.
    • setAmount

      public void setAmount( amount)
      The amount of the payment.
    • setAdditionalAmount

      public void setAdditionalAmount(@Nullable additionalAmount)
      If you want a BIN or card verification request to use a non-zero value, assign this value to additionalAmount (while the amount must be still set to 0 to trigger BIN or card verification). Required to be in the same currency as the amount.
    • setReference

      public void setReference(String reference)
      The reference to uniquely identify a payment. For example, the payment owner ID (Cart ID etc).
    • setReturnUrl

      public void setReturnUrl(String returnUrl)
      The URL to return to when a redirect payment is completed.
    • setRecurringProcessingModel

      public void setRecurringProcessingModel(String recurringProcessingModel)
      Specifies recurring procession model for session creation, expected to be CardOnFile, should come in pair with storePaymentMethodMode other possible values: Subscription, UnscheduledCardOnFile
      See Also:
    • setStorePaymentMethodMode

      public void setStorePaymentMethodMode(String storePaymentMethodMode)
      Intended to be used for saved method payment logic, should come in pair with recurringProcessingModel Possible values: disabled Your shopper's card details are not stored. askForConsent Drop-in enables your shopper to select whether they want their payment details to be stored. enabled Your shopper's card details are stored.
    • setMetadata

      public void setMetadata(Map<String,String> metadata)
      The mandate details to initiate recurring transaction.
    • setExpiresAt

      public void setExpiresAt(String expiresAt)
      The date the session expires in ISO8601 format. When not specified, the expiry date is set to 1 hour after session creation. You cannot set the session expiry to more than 24 hours after session creation.
    • setCustomerId

      public void setCustomerId(@Nullable String customerId)
      The customer ID.
    • setAdditionalAttributes

      public void setAdditionalAttributes(Map<String,Object> additionalAttributes)
      Contains the additional information for the request. It is used as a "fallback" handler for all unrecognized properties from JSON content.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object