All Classes and Interfaces

Spring Boot default property overrides for this service
Responsible for configuring the setup for internationalization support.
The main JPA auto configuration that initializes the out of the box JPA repositories and domain.
Admin-navigation-specific configuration for validation.
Looks up the given String in a message bundle based on the current thread's Locale, and serializes the resolved value.
Persistent counter-part to a NavMenuItem for use with a JPA-supported datastore.
JPA domain-specific implementation of NavMenuItemRepository.
A payload object intended to hold a NavMenuItem and a list of its ancestors.
Service API for MenuItems.
Validations for NavMenuItem.
Endpoint for retrieving the navigation tree for the admin menu.
This DTO is purely a concept used in the endpoint responsible for returning the navigation tree of a menu.
This DTO is purely a concept used in the endpoint responsible for returning the navigation tree of a menu.
A domain representing a listed item in the admin menu's tree.
NavMenuItemRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of NavMenuItem.